
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nothing's resolved. BOA still uses fax machines, Expedia still sucks.

Once again, Bank of America reversed the credit, not because they think that that they are always right, I'm sure they do, but because after twice sending them information from Delta and Expedia did they continue losing the fax. I mean, come on. We went directly to the Bank of America branch, and had one of their minions fax it to their offices. Why, oh why, are they still using ancient faxes to depend on some serious customer matter? Have they ever heard of things like, you know, email? Computers? Internet? It's starting to sound like they are doing this on purpose. That's not what you're doing, is it BOA?

Expedia continues to deny that it was their fault.

Oh, and before I forget, I found this site:
It's messy, but click on  Latest Victim of EXPEDIA to really get a feel as to how pissed off someone has to get, not to mention the amount of work, to get money from Expedia.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Delta sees problem, states it's Expedia's discrepancy

Delta has looked into the matter, and has emailed us back to show that yes, there were only two flights rather then four.
Delta mentions that this is Expedia's "discrepancy", and that the matter must be resolved by them. This has always been true, of course. Now that Delta can see it, this will still need to be forwarded to Expedia, since they have yet to contact us about the matter. Maybe they lost our information to contact us, together with the information that's supposed to show that they were supposed to cancel the tickets over 3 months ago.

Maybe they do this to all their customers after these types of errors, and hopes that the consumer goes away.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Consumerist gets involved

I wrote to The Consumerist, and they posted the story on their site! Read it at
Right after that, Delta took notice and wrote to us:
"On behalf of Delta Air Lines, I apologize for the problems you encountered with your wife's ticket."
Now, they are working with Bank of America to come up with some kind of solution.
Apparently, Expedia also seemed to take notice:
"So sorry to hear about this awful experience. We are looking into this immediately and are attempting to contact the customer. The Expedia team."  They haven't done anything yet, though.

I noticed in many of the comments over at The Consumerist that some folks didn't quite understand what had occurred, & that it was very confusing. I don't blame them! Much of them thought that we had purchased additional tickets, and were trying to get a refund for the ones we didn't use. That's not it at all. Expedia told us that changing the tickets would be more inexpensive, and that they would take care of the other tickets by removing them. They didn't. Everything that happened after that was just customer service dragging their feet, failing to see the problem. 

We are still waiting for the fix though. I'll let you know what happens.

Thanks to The Consumerist for getting the ball rolling without me having to do an email carpet bomb.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The mistakes continue...

Wow, it's been weeks, and now Bank of America claims that "attempts to resolve the matter with the merchant were unsuccessful".

According to them, Delta Air supplied documents indicating the debit to the account to be a valid charge. A complete lie, because Tina didn't take additional flights. She went to Michigan one time, on July 8th, and came back to Florida, one time, on July 29th in less than a day. Delta also seems to think that my wife is two separate people and took two other flights on the return: both on July 29th at 11:10AM, DROVE BACK TO MICHIGAN ON THE SAME DAY, and then flew back by Delta at 7:40PM, all in a 24 hr. time slot. I kid you not.

Now, Bank of America is reversing the money, plus overdraft fees. They don't see the error in taking two flights, coming and going. That's $538.20, $35, plus another 358.80.

The bank went for information from Delta, even though Expedia was just as involved.

Normal channels like customer service, supervisors, & trips to the bank were tried several times.
Looks like we will need to do an email carpet bomb. Maybe small claims court? Let's ask some experts on the issue and see what they think.